
Ritchie, T.S., Rossiter, D.L., Opris, H.B., Akpan, I.E., Oliphant, S., and McCartney, M. How do STEM graduate students perceive science communication. PLoS One (2022) 10.1371/journal.pone.0274840.

Palavalli-Nettimi, R., Fieldsend, T.W., *Acosta, A., Catenazzi, A., and McCartney, M. Papers to podcasts: Curriculum for developing scientific practices in undergraduates through annotating primary scientific literature and creating podcasts. The American Biology Teacher (2022) 10.1525/abt.2022.84.7.428.

Chatzikyriakidou, K., and McCartney, M. Motivation in Reading Primary Scientific Literature: a questionnaire to assess student purpose and efficacy in reading disciplinary literature. International Journal of Science Education (2022) 10.1080/09500693.2022.2073482

McCartney, M., Roddy, A. B., Geiger, J., Piland, N. C., Ribeiro, M. M., & Lainoff, A. Seeing Yourself as a Scientist: Increasing Science Identity Using Professional Development Modules Designed for Undergraduate Students . Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (2022) e00346-21.

Chatzikyriakidou, K., Tacloban, M.J., Concepcion, K., Geiger, J., and McCartney, M. Student Interpretation of the Five Core Concepts of Biology: Results from an Introductory Biology Course. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education (2021) 10.1128/jmbe.00105-21.

Chatzikyriakidou, K., Manrique, C., Tacloban, M.J., and McCartney, M. Exploring PSL through the lens of 5CCs. CourseSource (2021) 10.24918/cs.2021.5

Colon, J., Tiernan, N., Oliphant, S., Shirajee, A., Flickinger, J., Liu, H., Fransisco-Ortega, J. and McCartney, M. Bringing botany into focus: Addressing Plant Blindness in Undergraduates Undergraduates Through an Immersive Botanical Experience. Bioscience (2020) 70: 887-900.

Knekta, E., Chatzikyriakidou, K., and McCartney, M. Validation of a questionnaire measuring university students’ sense of belonging to and involvement in a biology department. CBE Life Science Education (2020) 10.1187/cbe.19-09-0166.

Ritchie, T.S. and McCartney, M. providing-transferable-professional-skills-for-the-next-generation-of-scientific-professionals-through-an-outreach-opportunityJournal of STEM Outreach (2019) 2: 1-13.

Kararo, M. and McCartney, M. Annotated Primary Scientific Literature: A Pedagogical Tool for Undergraduate CoursesPLOS Biology (2019) 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000103

Knekta, E. and McCartney, M. What Can Departments Do to Increase Students’ Retention? A Case Study of Students’ Sense of Belonging and Involvement in a Biology Department. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice (2018) 10.1177/1521025118788351

 McCartney M., *Childers C., Baiduc R.R, and Barnicle K. Annotated Primary Literature: A Professional Development Opportunity in Science Communication for Graduate Students and Postdocs. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education (2018) 19: 19.1.24.

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